Fetta Pasta dari Kebunku (Fetta Pasta from My Garden)
200 gr Pasta fusili singkong merk Ladang Lima
250 gr keju Feta merk Yummy
250 gr tomat cherry dari kebun
1 mangkuk daun basil dari kebun
100 gr jamur iris tipis
3 buah bawang putih cacah
Minyak zaitun secukupnya
Merica bubuk
Panaskan oven 200 C.
Rebus pasta 10 menit sampai al dente.
Siapkan wadah kaca kotak atau Pyrex, masukan tomat cerry & irisan jamur, keju Fetta di tengah wadah.
Tuang acak minyak zaitun di atasnya, taburi bawang putih, garam & merica.
Masukkan ke dalam oven selama 35 menit.
Setelah matang, keluarkan dari oven, hancurkan fetta & lainnya, kemudian tuangkan pasta, aduk rata, dan siap disantap.
The Recipe:
200 gr fusilli pasta from cassava of Ladang Lima
250 gr feta cheese Yummy
250 gr cherry tomato from the garden
1 cup of basil from the garden
100 gr mushroom, slice
3 cloves garlic, mince
Olive oil
How To:
Heat the oven 200 C.
Boil pasta until al dente for 10 minutes.
In a glass pan, place the cherry tomato, mushroom, basil, & Fetta cheese in the middle.
Drizzle the olive oil, garlic, salt & pepper.
Put them in the oven for 35 mins.
After all is set, take them out of the oven, crush & mix all together, add pasta, stir them well, add more basil on top of it.
Your Fetta Pasta is ready.