Nangka Rendang (Jackfruit Rendang)
Nangka muda 200gr
Santan kental 250 gr
Santan never 250 gr
Kelapa parut sangrai 300 gr
Bawang merah 100gr
Bawang putih 50 gr
Cabe merah besar: 100gr
Cabe kecil: 50 gr
Jintan 1 sdt
Ketumbar 1 sdt
Lada1/2 sdt
Kapulaga 2 butir
Lengkuas 20gr
Jahe 10gr
Serai 1 batang
Kayu manis 1 batang
Daun salam 2 lembar
Daun jeruk 2 lembar
Daun kunyit muda 1 lembar
Rebus nangka sampai empuk, sisihkan dan dinginkan
Haluskan semua bumbu dalam blender
Panaskan wajan dengan minyak kelapa secukupnya, masukan bumbu halus
Masukkan daun jeruk, daun salam, & daun kunyit muda
Masak sampai harum
Masukkan nangka kemudian santan
Masukkan kelapa sangrai
Masak sampai bumbu meresap
Rendang nangka siap dihidangkan
The Recipe:
200 gr young Jackfruit
250 gr thick coconut milk
250 gr coconut milk
300 gr coconut flakes (roasted)
100 gr shallots
50 gr garlic
100 gr red chilli
50 gr small chilli
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp coriander
1/2 tsp pepper
2 pcs cardamom
20 gr galangal
10 gw ginger
1 stick lemongrass
1 stick cinnamon
2 pcs bay leaves
2 pcs lime leaves
1 pc turmeric leave
Boiled the jackfruits until soft, set aside & cool them.
Mix the spices well in the blender.
Heat the pan with coconut oil, then pour the spices.
Add all the leaves.
Cook until fragrant.
Add jackfruits, then coconut milk.
Add roasted coconut flakes.
Cook until the spices absorb well.
Jackfruit Rendang is ready to be served.